In a `PN` -junction diode
A. The current in the reverse biased condition is generally very small
B. The current in the reverse biased condition is small but the forwards biased current is independent of the biase voltage
C. The reverse biased current is srongly dependent on the applied biase voltage.
D. The forward biased current is very small in comparision to reverse biased current.
A. The current in the reverse biased condition is generally very small
B. The current in the reverse biased condition is small but the forwards biased current is independent of the biase voltage
C. The reverse biased current is srongly dependent on the applied biase voltage.
D. The forward biased current is very small in comparision to reverse biased current.
Correct Answer – A
In forwards biased `PN`-junction, external voltage decreases the potential barrier, so current is maximum. While in reversed biased `PN`-junction, external voltage incrases the potential barriers, so the current is very small.