What is the Rule of Law
Rule of law stands for there is only one thing according to which every dispute will be resolved and everyone is bound to work under which that thing is rule and nobody is allowed to change the rule arbitraryly According to me this can be the answer Akash
The Rule of law states that all laws apply equally to all citizens of the country and no one can be above the law. The law is equal and similar for all, be it a government official, a wealthy person or even the President, none of them are above the law. Hence, the law cannot differentiate between people on the basis of their religion, caste or gender. Nevertheless, any crime or violation of law has to be established after which a specific punishment is given.
The rule of law means is that all laws apply equally to all citizens of the country and no one can be above the law. Neither a government official nor a wealthy person nor even the President of the country is above the law. All persons in independent India are equal before the law. The law cannot discriminate between persons on the basis of their religion, caste or gender. There is a specific punishment for every crime or violation of law and also a specific process through which the guilt of the person has to be established. The punishment for any crime committed will be the same for every person, irrespective of his power or position.