A sac like structure bounded by membranous wall called sporangia is formed on the body of lower organism and in favorable conditions a new organism is form .This process is spore formation
A mode of reproduction in which multiple spores are formed ……in this an organism breaks into multiple of pieces with the help of spores and form a new organism…… Generally it is protojoans like plasmodium
It is reproduction in which the organism breaks up into a number of pieces, or spores, each of which eventually develops into an organism like the parent form.
What is spore formation??
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What is spore formation
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Spore formation: The spores in fungi vary in shape. Spores are usually unicellular, thick walled, spherical. The thick walls provide protection till these come in contact with other surface and can begin to grow. Sometimes the spores may be multicellular also. Sometimes the spores are produced endogenously in special sac-like asexual reproductive bodies called sporangia. Spores in such cases are called sporangiospores. Spores on falling on ground or substratum grow new hypha, e.g. Rhizopus, Mucor and Penicillium.
What is spore formation?
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Mode of reproduction in which organism breaks intoo pieces or spores.
What is spore formation???
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Spore formation is a common method of asexual reproduction
Modes of reproduction which occurs through spores.
What is spore formation.
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Such as rhizopus, bacteria etc
Spore formation is part of asexual reproduction which is found non flowering plants such as .In this asexual reproduction the parent produce hundred of tiny which can grow into new plant.
Spores are present on sprogania bulb like structure covered with thick walls protects them until they get comfortable environment
In spore formation the parent plant produce hundred of microscopic reproductive unit called spore when spore plant burst then the spore spread into air when these air borne spore land on food under favourable condition they produce new plant