What is ozone layer?
Ozone layer is a protective blanket around the earth which absorb most harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sunlight
Ozoe layer is a layer present in atmosphere to prevent the ultravoilet rays to come directly on earth
Ozone is an inorganic molecule of oxygen\tchemical formula- O3\thave pale blue gas when liquified otherwise it is colourless,\thave pungent smell\tis poisonous gas\tless stable than oxygen gas (diatomic molecule O2)\tozone acts as protective layer around the Earth ?\xa0FORMATION\xa0\tIt formed by the diatomic molecule of oxygen combined with nascent oxygen in the presence of UV ultraviolet rays\xa0\tso it\’s formation is simply the absorption of UV radiations which are coming from sun ☀️\xa0DEPLETION\tIt is depleted by the action of CFC which is released from refrigerators and coolants\xa0\tif the rate of depletion exceeds the rate of formation leads to ozone hole\xa0EFFECTS\xa0\tIts depletion allows the UV to enter in our atmosphere which can cause\xa0\tskin cancer\teyes cataract\xa0\tand many plant diseases etc.